Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dog Sitting Day 2!

Yesterday after my blog things went much better! The dogs all started to play together! We went for a brief walk only cause it was so hot out and there was FOUR dogs and only ONE of me! It was quite the challenge I must say! The dogs and I went to bed pretty early for a Saturday night. Around 9pm. Sleeping went okay. They all wanted to bark at me in the middle of the night to go out so I was up pretty often letting them out to go potty. At one point Jack thought it was play time and brought me a toy and started wagging his tail like.. "come on its 3am don't you know this is play time here!" Silly Jack. Then 6:30am came along quickly and I said forget it... you guys got me Im up! Made a cup of coffee (a little too strong... Im not sure I really have ever made a cup on my own before) and let them out to play. They have been running around chasing balls and watching the Olympics with me. So it's been a good morning so far... and Yes Alaina I even remembered to give them their meds! So Now hope you enjoy the brief video and a few photos from yesterday and today.
Bentley and Bailee found the TOYS!!!!!!
 Look Mom I found a reallllly long toy!
 Bailee, Jack, and and Bentley.... Louie was a little slow
 Louie caught up
 Everyone together now!
 Louie this morning making sure everyone was playing fair
 The pups playing
 Water Break for Bentley Jack and Bailee
 Louie says this is nonsense! These kids are crazy!!
 What you said WALK?!
 You're such a tease Layne... Don't say walk if you don't mean it!

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